Cellular Grouting

Cellular grout is a slurry which combines a Portland cement slurry with a foaming agent.  These are mixed to produce a lightweight, low density grout with cured characteristics ranging between that of a very strong soil or weak grout. Typical applications include pipe abandonment, anulus backfill, and void fills of all types. This technique offers huge advantages in job costs, time savings, and performance compared to traditional grout products offering the following advantages:


  • Uninterrupted flow up to 100 yards/hr.
  • Material costs savings of 20-30% per unit volume versus traditional slurry mixes.
  • High Strength/Low Density. Typical cast densities range from 25-120 pcf with compression strengths of 20-3000 psi.
  • Complete void fill in all conditions.
  • Continuous real-time monitoring and control mix densities.
  • Can flow up to 2 miles for a pipe abandonment.



Applications for Cellular Grouting

  • Annular Grout For Tunnels, Water, storm & Sewer Lines
  • Abandoning Grout Underground Tanks and Pipelines (water, sewer, power, storm, transmission and gas)
  • Bridge Approach & Landslip Repair
  • Retaining Wall Backfill



Time Savings using Cellular Grouting


The application of cellular grout can be a great time saver over conventional ground treatment methods for settlement free construction.


  • No waiting period for consolidation of subsoils eliminating the need for surcharging.
  • No need for removal and replacement with large amounts of borrow soils.
  • Can be applied directly on existing marginal ground such as peat or poor soils.
  • Lower density requires fewer lifts to be placed when backfilling against a bulkhead.



Cost Savings using Cellular Grouting


Cellular grout is an economically viable solution, particularly in large volume

applications. Its use can also have an effect on other aspects of construction.



  • Mix designs or tailor-made for the project in budget requirements
  • Minimal lateral loading enables reduced building costs for earth retaining structures
  • High volume equipment with rapid installation produces installed unit cost
  • Recyclable for green development projects



Click the following pressure grouting topics for more information...

Concrete Slab Jacking

Compaction Grouting

Cellular Grouting

Chemical Grouting

Permeation Grouting

Sinkhole Repair and Void Fill

Annular Space Grouting

Slush Grouting


“Serving the Southeast”